Dikir Barat performance always change form time to time. In 1930s dikir barat was perform during wedding ceremonies at open spaces near their houses. It was also known to be performed during special occasions. But in the early 1950s, competitions were held where the audience must buy tickets to watch the performance. In the performance the "awok-awok" must sit cross-legged in two or three rows. The "juara" and "tukang karut" must sit in front the "awok-awok".
Tukang Karut
Tukang Karut is the most important person in the dikir barat team. His job was to recite poems on the spot according to the topics given for the performance. The victory of the team depend mostly on the tukang karut.
Juara is the second most important person in the performance of the dikir barat team because his job was to sing about the specific topic before the tukang karut plays his part to continue reciting the theme.
Awok-awok is a group of chorus singers which consists of teenagers. The job of the awok-awok was to repeat together few songs given by the Juara and Tukang Karut. Combination of the voices of the awok-awok which was very powerful leads to the success of the team.